2024-09-14 | Preact js 10.24.0 |
2024-08-11 | MongoDB 8.0.0 |
2024-09-09 | Gradle 8.10-1 |
2024-09-08 | Groovy 4.0.23 |
2024-09-06 | Clojure 1.12.0 |
2024-09-04 | Scala 3.5.0 |
2024-09-03 | Dart Sass 1.78.0 |
2024-09-03 | Node JS 22.8.0 |
2024-08-29 | Babel js 7.25.6 |
2024-08-27 | Neo4j 5.23.0 |
2024-08-22 | Spring Boot 3.3.3 |
2024-08-22 | Spring Boot 3.2.9 |
2024-08-22 | Webpack js 5.94.0 |
2024-08-17 | Maven 3.9.9 |
2024-08-07 | Tiny MCE 7.3.0 |
2024-08-05 | jQuery UI 1.14.0 |
2024-07-24 | Play Framework 3.0.5 |
2024-07-16 | Java 22.0.2 |
2024-07-16 | Java 21.0.4 |
2024-07-16 | Java 17.0.12 |
2024-07-16 | Java 11.0.24 |
2024-07-16 | Java 8 Update 421 |
2024-07-14 | Font Awesome 6.6.0 |
2024-06-27 | Groovy 3.0.22 |
2024-05-29 | Netbeans 22.0 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.1.12 |
2024-04-26 | React 18.3.1 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2024 September Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under September
- 2024-09-03: Nymåne
- 2024-09-05: Månen längst från jorden (405900 km)
- 2024-09-11: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-09-18: Fullmåne
- 2024-09-18: Månen närmast jorden (357300 km)
- 2024-09-24: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-10-02: Nymåne
- 2024-10-02: Månen längst från jorden (406500 km)
Kvällshimlen under September
- 2024-09-01: Månen 5° norr om Merkurius
- 2024-09-05: Merkurius i max västlig elongation, 18°
- 2024-09-05: Månen 1.2° söder om Venus
- 2024-09-06: Månen 0.5° norr om Spica.
- 2024-09-08: Merkurius 1° norr om Regulus.
- 2024-09-08: Saturnus i opposition.
- 2024-09-09: Merkurius 0.5° söder om Regulus.
- 2024-09-10: Månen 0.1° söder om Antares.
- 2024-09-17: Månen 0.3° norr om Saturnus.
- 2024-09-17: Venus 3° norr om Spica.
- 2024-09-21: Neptunus i opposition.
- 2024-09-22: Månen 0.2° norr om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-09-22: Höstdagjämning
- 2024-09-23: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-09-24: Månen 6° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-09-25: Månen 5° norr om Mars
- 2024-09-26: Månen 1.7° söder om Pollux
- 2024-09-29: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2024-09-30: Merkurius i övre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-10-02: Månen 0.5° norr om Spica
Rymdfartshistoria under September
- 1962-09-01: Venera 2MV-1 No.2, Cospar-ID 1962-043A
- 1977-09-05: Voyager 1, Cospar-ID 1977-084A
- 1961-09-09: SAMOS 3, Cospar-ID SAMOS3
- 1959-09-12: Luna 2, Cospar-ID 1959-014A
- 1962-09-12: Venera 2MV-2 No.1, Cospar-ID 1962-045A
- 1966-09-12: Gemini 11, Cospar-ID 1966-081A
- 1961-09-13: Mercury Atlas 4, Cospar-ID 1961-025A
- 2013-09-14: Hisaki, Cospar-ID 2013-049A
- 1959-09-18: Vanguard 3, Cospar-ID 1959-007A
- 1964-09-18: AS-102, Cospar-ID 1964-057A
- 1966-09-20: Surveyor 2, Cospar-ID 1966-084A
- 2006-09-22: Hinode, Cospar-ID 2006-041A
- 1960-09-25: Pioneer P-30, Cospar-ID PIONY
- 1958-09-26: Vanguard SLV 3, Cospar-ID VAGSL3
- 2003-09-27: SMART-1, Cospar-ID 2003-043C
- 2007-09-27: Dawn, Cospar-ID 2007-043A
Händelser i September
- 2024-09-11: Juice: ett äventyr till Jupiters isiga månar
- 2024-09-14: Trekdag i Skarpnäck
- 2024-09-25: Den svårfångade Higgspartikeln
- 2024-08-30: Dancing Galaxies Make a Monster at the Cosmic Dawn
- 2024-08-27: Event Horizon Telescope Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections from Earth
- 2024-08-07: Plasma Bubbles and the Engine of Fast Radio Bursts
- 2024-08-06: Precision Measurements Offer Clues to Magnetars Cosmic Origin
- 2024-07-16: Telescope Tag-Team Discovers Galactic Clusters Bizarre Secrets
- 2024-07-03: Old Data, New Tricks Discover Pulsar in Galactic Plane
- 2024-06-27: Too Many Missing Satellite Galaxies Found
- 2024-06-20: Supermassive Black Hole Appears to Grow Like a Baby Star
- 2024-06-12: Its Twins! Astronomers Discover Parallel Disks and Jets Erupting From a Pair of Young Stars
- 2024-06-10: ALMA Observations Reveal New Insights into Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems
- 2024-05-23: Discovery of an Exo-Venus: a Key to Find Extraterrestrial Life
- 2024-05-22: Spotted: ‘Death Star’ Black Holes in Action
- 2024-05-10: One Nova to Rule them All
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Augusti JVM
2024-08-14 | Gradle 8.10 |
2024-08-12 | Preact js 10.23.2 |
2024-08-07 | Tiny MCE 7.3.0 |
2024-08-06 | Node JS 22.6.0 |
2024-08-05 | jQuery UI 1.14.0 |
2024-08-03 | Clojure 1.11.4 |
2024-07-31 | Babel js 7.25.3 |
2024-07-24 | Play Framework 3.0.5 |
2024-07-18 | Spring Boot 3.3.2 |
2024-07-18 | Spring Boot 3.2.8 |
2024-07-16 | Java 22.0.2 |
2024-07-16 | Java 21.0.4 |
2024-07-16 | Java 17.0.12 |
2024-07-16 | Java 11.0.24 |
2024-07-16 | Java 8 Update 421 |
2024-07-14 | Font Awesome 6.6.0 |
2024-07-11 | Dart Sass 1.77.8 |
2024-07-11 | Webpack js 5.93.0 |
2024-07-11 | Neo4j 5.22.0 |
2024-06-27 | Groovy 4.0.22 |
2024-06-27 | Groovy 3.0.22 |
2024-06-17 | Maven 3.9.8 |
2024-06-10 | MongoDB 7.3.3 |
2024-05-29 | Netbeans 22.0 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.1.12 |
2024-05-16 | Scala 3.4.2 |
2024-04-26 | React 18.3.1 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2024 Augusti Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Augusti
- 2024-08-04: Nymåne
- 2024-08-09: Månen längst från jorden (404700 km)
- 2024-08-12: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-08-19: Fullmåne
- 2024-08-21: Månen närmast jorden (360500 km)
- 2024-08-26: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-09-03: Nymåne
- 2024-09-05: Månen längst från jorden (405900 km)
Kvällshimlen under Augusti
- 2024-08-03: Månen 1.8° söder om Pollux
- 2024-08-04: Venus 1.1° norr om Regulus
- 2024-08-05: Mars 5° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-08-05: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2024-08-05: Månen 1.5° norr om Venus
- 2024-08-06: Månen 7° norr om Merkurius
- 2024-08-06: Merkurius 6° söder om Venus
- 2024-08-10: Månen 0.8° norr om Spica.
- 2024-08-11: Merkurius 6° S om Regulus
- 2024-08-12: Perseiderna i maximum. Max 80+ (?) meteorer per timme
- 2024-08-14: Månen 0.1° söder om Antares.
- 2024-08-14: Mars 0.3° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-08-16: (7) Iris i opposition, m=8,1
- 2024-08-19: Merkurius i undre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-08-20: (4) Vesta i konjunktion med solen
- 2024-08-21: Månen 0.5° norr om Saturnus.
- 2024-08-26: Månen 0.1° norr om Pleiaderna (Alcyone).
- 2024-08-27: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-08-27: Månen 6° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-08-28: Månen 5° norr om Mars
- 2024-08-30: Månen 1.7° söder om Pollux
- 2024-08-01: Månen 5° norr om Merkurius
- 2024-08-05: Merkurius i max västlig elongation, 18°
- 2024-08-05: Månen 1.2° söder om Venus
- 2024-08-06: Månen 0.5° norr om Spica.
Rymdfartshistoria under Augusti
- 1973-08-05: Mars 6, Cospar-ID 1973-052A
- 2011-08-05: Juno, Cospar-ID 2011-040A
- 1961-08-06: Vostok 2, Cospar-ID 1961-019A
- 1959-08-07: Explorer 6, Cospar-ID 1959-004A
- 1978-08-08: Pioneer Venus Multiprobe, Cospar-ID 1978-078A
- 2001-08-08: Genesis, Cospar-ID 2001-034A
- 1973-08-09: Mars 7, Cospar-ID 1973-053A
- 1960-08-10: Discoverer 13, Cospar-ID 1960-008A
- 1962-08-11: Vostok 3, Cospar-ID 1962-036A
- 1960-08-12: Echo 1, Cospar-ID 1960-009A
- 1962-08-12: Vostok 4, Cospar-ID 1962-037A
- 1978-08-12: International Sun-Earth Explorer-3, Cospar-ID 1978-079A
- 1959-08-13: Discoverer 5, Cospar-ID 1959-005A
- 1961-08-16: Explorer 12, Cospar-ID 1961-020A
- 1958-08-17: Pioneer 0, Cospar-ID ABLE1
- 1966-08-17: Pioneer 7, Cospar-ID 1966-075A
- 1970-08-17: Venera 7, Cospar-ID 1970-060A
- 1960-08-18: Courier 1A, Cospar-ID COUR1A
- 1962-08-18: Kosmos 8, Cospar-ID 1962-038A
- 1985-08-18: Suisei, Cospar-ID 1985-073A
- 1959-08-19: Discoverer 6, Cospar-ID 1959-006A
- 1960-08-19: Korabl-Sputnik 2, Cospar-ID 1960-011A
- 1970-08-19: Skynet 1B, Cospar-ID 1970-062A
- 1977-08-20: Voyager 2, Cospar-ID 1977-076A
- 1965-08-21: Gemini 5, Cospar-ID 1965-068A
- 1961-08-23: Ranger 1, Cospar-ID 1961-021A
- 1958-08-24: Explorer 5, Cospar-ID EXPLR5
- 1966-08-24: Luna 11, Cospar-ID 1966-078A
- 1962-08-25: Venera 2MV-1 No.1, Cospar-ID 1962-040A
- 1966-08-25: AS-202, Cospar-ID APST202
- 1997-08-25: Advanced Composition Explorer, Cospar-ID 1997-045A
- 2003-08-25: Spitzer Space Telescope, Cospar-ID 2003-038A
- 1962-08-27: Mariner 2, Cospar-ID 1962-041A
- 2012-08-30: Van Allen Probe A, Cospar-ID 2012-046A
- 2012-08-30: Van Allen Probe B, Cospar-ID 2012-046B
Händelser i Augusti
- 2024-08-12: Perseiderna i maximum
- 2024-07-16: Telescope Tag-Team Discovers Galactic Clusters Bizarre Secrets
- 2024-07-03: Old Data, New Tricks Discover Pulsar in Galactic Plane
- 2024-06-27: Too Many Missing Satellite Galaxies Found
- 2024-06-20: Supermassive Black Hole Appears to Grow Like a Baby Star
- 2024-06-12: Its Twins! Astronomers Discover Parallel Disks and Jets Erupting From a Pair of Young Stars
- 2024-06-10: ALMA Observations Reveal New Insights into Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems
- 2024-05-23: Discovery of an Exo-Venus: a Key to Find Extraterrestrial Life
- 2024-05-22: Spotted: ‘Death Star’ Black Holes in Action
- 2024-05-10: One Nova to Rule them All
- 2024-04-29: Orion’s Erupting Star System Reveals Its Secrets
- 2024-04-11: Twinkle Twinkle Baby Star, ’Sneezes’ Tell us How You Are
- 2024-04-08: Inexplicable Flying Fox found in Hydra Galaxy Cluster
- 2024-04-01: Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Juli JVM
2024-07-11 | Gradle 8.9 |
2024-07-01 | Preact js 10.22.1 |
2024-07-01 | Neo4j 5.21.2 |
2024-06-27 | Groovy 4.0.22 |
2024-06-27 | Groovy 3.0.22 |
2024-06-20 | Spring Boot 3.3.1 |
2024-06-22 | Spring Boot 3.2.7 |
2024-06-17 | Play Framework 3.0.4 |
2024-06-17 | Maven 3.9.8 |
2024-06-11 | Dart Sass 1.77.5 |
2024-06-11 | Node JS 22.3.0 |
2024-06-11 | Webpack js 5.92.0 |
2024-06-10 | MongoDB 7.3.3 |
2024-06-05 | Babel js 7.24.7 |
2024-06-05 | Tiny MCE 7.1.2 |
2024-05-29 | Netbeans 22.0 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.1.12 |
2024-05-16 | Scala 3.4.2 |
2024-04-26 | jQuery UI 1.13.3 |
2024-04-26 | React 18.3.1 |
2024-04-24 | Clojure 1.11.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 22.0.1 |
2024-04-16 | Java 21.0.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 17.0.11 |
2024-04-16 | Java 11.0.23 |
2024-04-16 | Java 8 Update 441 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-04-02 | Font Awesome 6.5.2 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2024 Juli Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Juli
- 2024-07-05: Nymåne
- 2024-07-12: Månen längst från jorden (404100 km)
- 2024-07-13: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-07-21: Fullmåne
- 2024-07-24: Månen närmast jorden (365600 km)
- 2024-07-28: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-08-04: Nymåne
Kvällshimlen under Juli
- 2024-07-01: Månen 4° norr om Mars
- 2024-07-02: Månen 0.3° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-07-03: Månen 5° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-07-03: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-07-05: Solen längst från jorden
- 2024-07-06: (1) Ceres i opposition
- 2024-07-07: Månen 3° norr om Merkurius
- 2024-07-09: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2024-07-13: Jupiter 5° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-07-14: Månen 1° norr om Spica
- 2024-07-15: Mars 0.5° söder om Uranus
- 2024-07-17: Månen 0.3° norr om Antares
- 2024-07-19: Mars 5° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-07-22: Merkurius i max östlig elongation, 27°
- 2024-07-23: Pluto i opposition
- 2024-07-24: Månen 0.5° norr om Saturnus
- 2024-07-27: Merkurius 3° söder om Regulu
- 2024-07-29: Månen 0.1° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-07-30: Månen 5° norr om Mars
- 2024-07-30: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-07-31: Månen 5° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-08-03: Månen 1.8° söder om Pollux
- 2024-08-04: Venus 1.1° norr om Regulus
Rymdfartshistoria under Juli
- 1985-07-02: Giotto, Cospar-ID 1985-056A
- 2002-07-03: CONTOUR, Cospar-ID 2002-034A
- 1966-07-05: AS-203, Cospar-ID 1966-059A
- 1966-07-06: Proton 3, Cospar-ID 1966-060A
- 1961-07-12: TIROS 3, Cospar-ID 1961-017A
- 1959-07-16: Explorer 7X, Cospar-ID EXP-7X
- 1965-07-16: Proton 1, Cospar-ID 1965-054A
- 1969-07-16: Apollo 11, Cospar-ID 1969-059A
- 1966-07-18: Gemini 10, Cospar-ID 1966-066A
- 1961-07-21: Mercury Redstone 4, Cospar-ID MERCR4
- 1973-07-21: Mars 4, Cospar-ID 1973-047A
- 1962-07-22: Mariner 1, Cospar-ID MARIN1
- 1999-07-23: Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cospar-ID 1999-040B
- 1973-07-25: Mars 5, Cospar-ID 1973-049A
- 1958-07-26: Explorer 4, Cospar-ID 1958-005A
- 1971-07-26: Apollo 15, Cospar-ID 1971-063A
- 1962-07-28: Kosmos 7, Cospar-ID 1962-033A
- 1964-07-28: Ranger 7, Cospar-ID 1964-041A
- 1960-07-29: Mercury Atlas 1, Cospar-ID MERCA1
- 1965-07-30: Pegasus 3, Cospar-ID 1965-060A
- 2024-06-27: Too Many Missing Satellite Galaxies Found
- 2024-06-20: Supermassive Black Hole Appears to Grow Like a Baby Star
- 2024-06-12: Its Twins! Astronomers Discover Parallel Disks and Jets Erupting From a Pair of Young Stars
- 2024-06-10: ALMA Observations Reveal New Insights into Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems
- 2024-05-23: Discovery of an Exo-Venus: a Key to Find Extraterrestrial Life
- 2024-05-22: Spotted: ‘Death Star’ Black Holes in Action
- 2024-05-10: One Nova to Rule them All
- 2024-04-29: Orion’s Erupting Star System Reveals Its Secrets
- 2024-04-11: Twinkle Twinkle Baby Star, ’Sneezes’ Tell us How You Are
- 2024-04-08: Inexplicable Flying Fox found in Hydra Galaxy Cluster
- 2024-04-01: Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry
- 2024-03-28: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-03-27: Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
- 2024-03-26: Radio Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects Shed New Light on Black Hole Phenomenon
- 2024-03-22: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Juni JVM
2024-06-11 | Dart Sass 1.77.5 |
2024-06-11 | Node JS 22.3.0 |
2024-06-11 | Webpack js 5.92.0 |
2024-06-10 | MongoDB 7.3.3 |
2024-06-05 | Babel js 7.24.7 |
2024-06-05 | Tiny MCE 7.1.2 |
2024-06-01 | Neo4j 5.20.0 |
2024-05-31 | Gradle 8.8 |
2024-05-29 | Netbeans 22.0 |
2024-05-24 | Maven 3.9.7 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.3.0 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.2.6 |
2024-05-23 | Spring Boot 3.1.12 |
2024-05-16 | Scala 3.4.2 |
2024-05-15 | Preact js 10.22.0 |
2024-05-07 | Play Framework 3.0.3 |
2024-04-26 | jQuery UI 1.13.3 |
2024-04-26 | React 18.3.1 |
2024-04-24 | Clojure 1.11.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 22.0.1 |
2024-04-16 | Java 21.0.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 17.0.11 |
2024-04-16 | Java 11.0.23 |
2024-04-16 | Java 8 Update 441 |
2024-04-06 | Groovy 4.0.21 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-04-02 | Font Awesome 6.5.2 |
2024-02-27 | Groovy 3.0.21 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2024 Juni Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Juni
- 2024-06-02: Månen närmast jorden (368500 km)
- 2024-06-06: Nymåne
- 2024-06-14: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-06-14: Månen längst från jorden (404100 km)
- 2024-06-22: Fullmåne
- 2024-06-27: Månen närmast jorden (369400 km)
- 2024-06-28: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-07-05: Nymåne
Kvällshimlen under Juni
- 2024-06-03: Månen 2° norr om Mars
- 2024-06-04: Merkurius 0.1° söder om Jupiter
- 2024-06-04: Venus i övre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-06-05: Månen 0.5° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-06-09: Månen 1.7° söder om Pollux
- 2024-06-12: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2024-06-14: Merkurius i övre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-06-16: Månen 1.2° norr om Spica
- 2024-06-20: Månen 0.3° norr om Antares
- 2024-06-20: Sommarsolstånd
- 2024-06-27: Månen 0.1° norr om Saturnus
- 2024-07-01: Månen 4° norr om Mars
- 2024-07-02: Månen 0.3° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
Rymdfartshistoria under Juni
- 1970-06-01: Soyuz 9, Cospar-ID 1970-041A
- 1962-06-02: OSCAR 2, Cospar-ID 1962-022B
- 1979-06-02: Ariel 6, Cospar-ID 1979-047A
- 1959-06-03: Discoverer 3, Cospar-ID DISCOV3
- 1965-06-03: Gemini 4, Cospar-ID 1965-043A
- 1966-06-03: Gemini 9A, Cospar-ID 1966-047A
- 1965-06-08: Luna 6, Cospar-ID 1965-044A
- 1967-06-12: Venera 4, Cospar-ID 1967-058A
- 1963-06-14: Vostok 5, Cospar-ID 1963-020A
- 1967-06-14: Mariner 5, Cospar-ID 1967-060A
- 2010-06-15: Mango, Cospar-ID 2010-028B
- 1963-06-16: Vostok 6, Cospar-ID 1963-023A
- 1959-06-22: Vanguard SLV-6, Cospar-ID VAGSL6
- 1960-06-22: Transit 2A, Cospar-ID 1960-007A
- 1959-06-25: Discoverer 4, Cospar-ID DISC4
- 1958-06-26: Vanguard SLV 2, Cospar-ID VAGSL2
- 1960-06-29: Discoverer 12, Cospar-ID DISC12
- 1961-06-29: Transit 4A, Cospar-ID 1961-015A
- 1962-06-30: Kosmos 6, Cospar-ID 1962-028A
- 2001-06-30: Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, Cospar-ID 2001-027A
Händelser i Juli
- 2024-06-03: Symposium on Gravitational Wave Science
- 2024-06-04: Integration bland unga: ett mångdimensionellt perspektiv
- 2024-06-13: Cosmic Transients in the Era of Large Surveys
- 2024-06-24: Cosmic Dawn at High Latitudes
- 2024-06-30: Internationella Asteroiddagen
- 2024-05-23: Discovery of an Exo-Venus: a Key to Find Extraterrestrial Life
- 2024-05-22: Spotted: ‘Death Star’ Black Holes in Action
- 2024-05-10: One Nova to Rule them All
- 2024-04-29: Orion’s Erupting Star System Reveals Its Secrets
- 2024-04-11: Twinkle Twinkle Baby Star, ’Sneezes’ Tell us How You Are
- 2024-04-08: Inexplicable Flying Fox found in Hydra Galaxy Cluster
- 2024-04-01: Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry
- 2024-03-28: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-03-27: Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
- 2024-03-26: Radio Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects Shed New Light on Black Hole Phenomenon
- 2024-03-22: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-02-12: Astronomers Discover Jupiter-sized Objects Drawn into Each Others Orbit
- 2024-02-07: Cosmic Dark Matter Web Detected in Coma Cluster
- 2024-02-06: The Radcliffe Wave is Waving
- 2024-02-06: Telescopes Show the Milky Way’s Black Hole is Ready for a Kick
- 2024-02-06: Extreme Eruption on Young Sun-like Star Signals Savage Environment for Developing Exoplanets
- 2024-02-01: Ancient Gas Outflow Suppressed Star Formation
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Maj JVM
2024-05-15 | Preact js 10.22.0 |
2024-05-10 | Dart Sass 1.77.0 |
2024-05-08 | Tiny MCE 7.1.0 |
2024-05-07 | Play Framework 3.0.3 |
2024-05-02 | Node JS 22.1.0 |
2024-04-29 | Babel js 7.24.5 |
2024-04-26 | React 18.3.1 |
2024-04-24 | Clojure 1.11.3 |
2024-04-18 | Spring Boot 3.2.5 |
2024-04-18 | Spring Boot 3.1.11 |
2024-04-16 | Java 22.0.1 |
2024-04-16 | Java 21.0.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 17.0.11 |
2024-04-16 | Java 11.0.23 |
2024-04-16 | Java 8 Update 441 |
2024-04-06 | Groovy 4.0.21 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-04-03 | MongoDB 7.3.1 |
2024-04-02 | Font Awesome 6.5.2 |
2024-03-29 | Scala 3.4.1 |
2024-03-22 | Gradle 8.7 |
2024-03-20 | Webpack js 5.91.0 |
2024-03-18 | Neo4j 5.18.1 |
2024-02-27 | Groovy 3.0.21 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-20 | Netbeans 21.0 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-12-01 | Maven 3.9.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2022-07-14 | jQuery UI 1.13.2 |
2024 Maj Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Maj
- 2024-05-01: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-05-05: Månen närmast jorden (363700 km)
- 2024-05-08: Nymåne
- 2024-05-15: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-05-17: Månen längst från jorden (404200 km)
- 2024-05-23: Fullmåne
- 2024-05-30: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-06-06: Nymåne
Kvällshimlen under Maj
- 2024-05-04: Månen 0.8° söder om Saturnus
- 2024-05-05: Månen 0.2° norr om Mars
- 2024-05-06: Eta Aquariderna i maximum
- 2024-05-06: Månen 4° norr om Merkurius
- 2024-05-09: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-05-09: Merkurius i max västlig elongation, 26°
- 2024-05-13: Månen 1.6° söder om Pollux
- 2024-05-13: Uranus i konjunktion med solen
- 2024-05-15: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2024-05-18: Jupiter i konjunktion med solen
- 2024-05-19: (2) Pallas i opposition, m=9,0
- 2024-05-20: Månen 1.4° norr om Spica
- 2024-05-24: Månen 0.4° norr om Antares
- 2024-05-31: Månen 0.4° söder om Saturnus
Rymdfartshistoria under Maj
- 1989-05-04: Magellan, Cospar-ID 1989-033B
- 1961-05-05: Mercury Redstone 3, Cospar-ID MERCR3
- 1967-05-05: Ariel 3, Cospar-ID 1967-042A
- 2018-05-05: MARCO-B, Cospar-ID 2018-042C
- 2018-05-05: InSight, Cospar-ID INSIGHT
- 2018-05-05: MARCO-A, Cospar-ID 2018-042B
- 1965-05-09: Luna 5, Cospar-ID 1965-036A
- 1971-05-09: Mariner 8, Cospar-ID MARINH
- 2003-05-09: Hayabusa, Cospar-ID 2003-019A
- 2018-05-11: Bangabandhu-1, Cospar-ID 2018-044A
- 2009-05-14: Planck, Cospar-ID 2009-026B
- 2009-05-14: Herschel Space Observatory, Cospar-ID 2009-026A
- 1958-05-15: Sputnik 3, Cospar-ID 1958-004B
- 1960-05-15: Korabl-Sputnik 1, Cospar-ID 1960-005A
- 1963-05-15: Mercury-Atlas 9, Cospar-ID 1963-015A
- 1969-05-18: Apollo 10, Cospar-ID 1969-043A
- 1971-05-19: Mars 2, Cospar-ID 1971-045A
- 1978-05-20: Pioneer Venus Orbiter, Cospar-ID 1978-051A
- 2018-05-22: GRACE-FO 2, Cospar-ID 2018-047B
- 2018-05-22: GRACE-FO 1, Cospar-ID 2018-047A
- 1961-05-24: Explorer S45A, Cospar-ID EXS-452
- 1962-05-24: Mercury Atlas 7, Cospar-ID 1962-019A
- 1965-05-25: Pegasus 2, Cospar-ID 1965-039A
- 1958-05-28: Vanguard SLV 1, Cospar-ID VAGSL1
- 1962-05-28: Kosmos 5, Cospar-ID 1962-020A
- 1964-05-28: AS-101, Cospar-ID 1964-025A
- 1971-05-28: Mars 3, Cospar-ID 1971-049A
- 1966-05-30: Surveyor 1, Cospar-ID 1966-045A
- 1971-05-30: Mariner 9, Cospar-ID 1971-051A
Händelser i Maj
- 2024-05-04: Medeltidsmarknad i Kungsträdgården
- 2024-05-06: Eta Aquariderna i maximum
- 2024-05-13: The Crafoord Days 2024
- 2024-05-15: The Crafoord Prize Symposium in Astronomy: New avenues in solar and stellar physics
- 2024-05-15: The Crafoord Prize Symposium in Mathematics: Algebraic geometry and Kähler geometry
- 2024-05-18: Trekdag/a> i Skarpnäck
- 2024-06-03: Symposium on Gravitational Wave Science
- 2024-04-29: Orion’s Erupting Star System Reveals Its Secrets
- 2024-04-11: Twinkle Twinkle Baby Star, ’Sneezes’ Tell us How You Are
- 2024-04-08: Inexplicable Flying Fox found in Hydra Galaxy Cluster
- 2024-04-01: Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry
- 2024-03-28: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-03-27: Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
- 2024-03-26: Radio Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects Shed New Light on Black Hole Phenomenon
- 2024-03-22: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-02-12: Astronomers Discover Jupiter-sized Objects Drawn into Each Others Orbit
- 2024-02-07: Cosmic Dark Matter Web Detected in Coma Cluster
- 2024-02-06: The Radcliffe Wave is Waving
- 2024-02-06: Telescopes Show the Milky Way’s Black Hole is Ready for a Kick
- 2024-02-06: Extreme Eruption on Young Sun-like Star Signals Savage Environment for Developing Exoplanets
- 2024-02-01: Ancient Gas Outflow Suppressed Star Formation
- 2024-01-18: New Details of Supermassive Black Hole’s Shadow Revealed
- 2024-01-09: Unexpectedly Massive Black Holes Dominate Small Galaxies in the Distant Universe
- 2024-01-08: Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
- 2023-12-14: New Red Galaxies Turn Out to be Already Known Blue Galaxies
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 April JVM
2024-04-16 | Java 22.0.1 |
2024-04-16 | Java 21.0.3 |
2024-04-16 | Java 17.0.11 |
2024-04-16 | Java 11.0.23 |
2024-04-16 | Java 8 Update 441 |
2024-04-11 | Dart Sass 1.75.0 |
2024-04-10 | Node JS 21.7.3 |
2024-04-10 | Tiny MCE 7.0.1 |
2024-04-09 | Preact js 10.20.2 |
2024-04-06 | Groovy 4.0.21 |
2024-04-04 | Grails 6.2.0 |
2024-04-03 | Babel js 7.24.4 |
2024-04-03 | MongoDB 7.3.1 |
2024-04-02 | Font Awesome 6.5.2 |
2024-03-29 | Scala 3.4.1 |
2024-03-22 | Gradle 8.7 |
2024-03-21 | Spring Boot 3.2.4 |
2024-03-21 | Spring Boot 3.1.10 |
2024-03-20 | Webpack js 5.91.0 |
2024-03-18 | Neo4j 5.18.1 |
2024-03-08 | Clojure 1.11.2 |
2024-03-01 | Play Framework 3.0.2 |
2024-02-27 | Groovy 3.0.21 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-20 | Netbeans 21.0 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-12-01 | Maven 3.9.6 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-19 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2022-07-14 | jQuery UI 1.13.2 |
2022-06-14 | React 18.2.0 |
2024 April Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under April
- 2024-04-02: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-04-07: Månen närmast jorden (359000 km)
- 2024-04-08: Nymåne
- 2024-04-15: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-04-20: Månen längst från jorden (405100 km)
- 2024-04-24: Fullmåne
- 2024-05-01: Avtagande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under April
- 2024-04-06: Månen 2° S om Mars
- 2024-04-06: Månen 1.2° S om Saturnus
- 2024-04-07: Månen 0.5° N om Venus
- 2024-04-10: Månen 4° N om Jupiter
- 2024-04-11: Mars 0.5° N om Saturnus
- 2024-04-11: Månen 0.3° S om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-04-12: Merkurius i undre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-04-12: Månen 10° N om Aldebaran
- 2024-04-15: Månen 1.5° S om Pollux
- 2024-04-18: Månen 4° N om Regulus
- 2024-04-19: Merkurius 2° N om Venus
- 2024-04-20: Jupiter 0.5° S om Uranus
- 2024-04-22: Lyriderna i maximum, radianten 10° sydväst om Vega
- 2024-04-22: (6) Hebe i opposition
- 2024-04-23: Månen 1.4° N om Spica
- 2024-04-26: Månen 0.3° N om Antares
- 2024-04-29: Mars 0.1° S om Neptunus
Rymdfartshistoria under April
- 1960-04-01: TIROS 1, Cospar-ID 1960-002B
- 1963-04-02: Luna 4, Cospar-ID 1963-008B
- 1968-04-04: Apollo 6, Cospar-ID 1968-025A
- 1991-04-05: Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, Cospar-ID 1991-027B
- 1962-04-06: Kosmos 2, Cospar-ID 1962-009A
- 1973-04-06: Pioneer 11, Cospar-ID 1973-019A
- 1964-04-08: Gemini 1, Cospar-ID 1964-018A
- 1970-04-11: Apollo 13, Cospar-ID 1970-029A
- 1961-04-12: Vostok 1, Cospar-ID 1961-012A
- 1959-04-13: Discoverer 2, Cospar-ID 1959-003A
- 1960-04-13: Transit 1B, Cospar-ID 1960-003B
- 1959-04-14: Vanguard SLV 5, Cospar-ID VAGSL5
- 1960-04-15: Discoverer 11, Cospar-ID 1960-004A
- 2005-04-15: DART, Cospar-ID 2005-014A
- 1972-04-16: Apollo 16, Cospar-ID 1972-031A
- 1962-04-23: Ranger 4, Cospar-ID 1962-012A
- 1967-04-23: Soyuz 1, Cospar-ID 1967-037A
- 1971-04-23: Soyuz 10, Cospar-ID 1971-034A
- 1962-04-24: Kosmos 3, Cospar-ID 1962-013A
- 1961-04-25: Mercury Atlas 3, Cospar-ID MERCA3
- 1962-04-25: Saturn SA-2, Cospar-ID SATURNSA2
- 1990-04-25: Hubble Space Telescope, Cospar-ID 1990-037B
- 1962-04-26: Kosmos 4, Cospar-ID 1962-014A
- 1962-04-26: Ariel 1, Cospar-ID 1962-015A
- 1961-04-27: Explorer 11, Cospar-ID 1961-013A
- 1958-04-29: Vanguard TV5, Cospar-ID VAGT5
Händelser i April
- 2024-04-04: Joniserande Strålning och Hjärncancer
- 2024-04-05: First Contact Day
- 2024-04-13: Trekdag i Skarpnäck
- 2024-04-20: Kulturnatt Stockholm
- 2024-03-27: Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
- 2024-03-26: Radio Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects Shed New Light on Black Hole Phenomenon
- 2024-03-22: ALMA Finds New Molecular Signposts in Starburst Galaxy
- 2024-02-12: Astronomers Discover Jupiter-sized Objects Drawn into Each Others Orbit
- 2024-02-07: Cosmic Dark Matter Web Detected in Coma Cluster
- 2024-02-06: Telescopes Show the Milky Way’s Black Hole is Ready for a Kick
- 2024-02-06: Extreme Eruption on Young Sun-like Star Signals Savage Environment for Developing Exoplanets
- 2024-02-01: Ancient Gas Outflow Suppressed Star Formation
- 2024-01-18: New Details of Supermassive Black Hole’s Shadow Revealed
- 2024-01-09: Unexpectedly Massive Black Holes Dominate Small Galaxies in the Distant Universe
- 2024-01-08: Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
- 2023-12-14: New Red Galaxies Turn Out to be Already Known Blue Galaxies
- 2023-11-29: Distant Stars Spotted for the First Time in the Vast Magellanic Stream
- 2023-11-16: NASAs Hubble Measures the Size of the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet
- 2023-11-15: ALMA Observation of Young Star Reveals Details of Dust Grains
- 2023-11-10: Rapid Increase in Oxygen in Early Universe
- 2023-11-08: A Supermassive Black Hole’s Strong Magnetic Fields are Revealed in a New Light
- 2023-11-03: Black Holes are Messy Eaters
- 2023-10-06: Astronomers Discover First Step Toward Planet Formation
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Mars JVM
2024-03-13 | Neo4j 5.18.0 |
2024-03-13 | Dart Sass 1.72.0 |
2024-03-10 | Groovy 4.0.20 |
2024-03-08 | Node JS 21.7.1 |
2024-03-01 | Play Framework 3.0.2 |
2024-02-29 | Tiny MCE 7.0.0 |
2024-02-29 | Scala 3.4.0 |
2024-02-28 | Babel js 7.24.10 |
2024-02-22 | Spring Boot 3.2.3 |
2024-02-22 | Spring Boot 3.1.9 |
2024-02-20 | Bootstrap 5.3.3 |
2024-02-20 | Netbeans 21.0 |
2024-02-19 | Webpack js 5.90.3 |
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-02-08 | Preact js 10.19.4 |
2024-02-02 | Gradle 8.6 |
2024-01-31 | Grails 6.1.2 |
2024-01-16 | Java 21.0.2 |
2024-01-16 | Java 17.0.10 |
2024-01-16 | Java 11.0.22 |
2024-01-16 | Java 8 Update 401 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-12-18 | Groovy 3.0.20 |
2023-12-01 | Maven 3.9.6 |
2023-11-30 | Font Awesome 6.5.1 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-20 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2022-07-14 | jQuery UI 1.13.2 |
2022-06-14 | React 18.2.0 |
2022-04-05 | Clojure 1.11.1 |
2024 Mars Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Mars
- 2024-03-03: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-03-10: Nymåne
- 2024-03-10: Månen närmast jorden (356900 km)
- 2024-03-17: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-03-23: Månen längst från jorden (406200 km)
- 2024-03-25: Fullmåne
- 2024-04-02: Avtagande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under Mars
- 2024-03-03: Månen 0.5° norr om Antares
- 2024-03-03: (3) Juno i opposition
- 2024-03-03: Månen 0.3° norr om Antares
- 2024-03-08: Månen 4° söder om Mars
- 2024-03-08: Månen 3° söder om Venus
- 2024-03-14: Månen 4° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-03-15: Månen 0.4° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2024-03-16: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-03-17: Neptunus i konjunktion med solen
- 2024-03-19: Månen 1.5° söder om Pollux
- 2024-03-20: Vårdagjämning
- 2024-03-22: Venus 0.3° norr om Saturnus
- 2024-03-22: Månen 4° norr om Regulus
- 2024-03-25: Merkurius i max östlig elongation, 19°
- 2024-03-26: Månen 1.4° norr om Spica
- 2024-03-30: Månen 0.3° norr om Antares
Rymdfartshistoria under Mars
- 2004-03-02: Philae, Cospar-ID 2004-006C
- 2004-03-02: Rosetta, Cospar-ID 2004-006A
- 1959-03-03: Pioneer 4, Cospar-ID 1959-013A
- 1969-03-03: Apollo 9, Cospar-ID 1969-018A
- 1972-03-03: Pioneer 10, Cospar-ID 1972-012A
- 1958-03-05: Explorer 2, Cospar-ID EXPLR2
- 2009-03-07: Kepler, Cospar-ID 2009-011A
- 1961-03-09: Korabl-Sputnik 4, Cospar-ID 1961-008A
- 1960-03-11: Pioneer 5, Cospar-ID 1960-001A
- 2015-03-13: Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, Cospar-ID 2015-011A
- 1962-03-16: Kosmos 1, Cospar-ID 1962-008A
- 1966-03-16: Gemini 8, Cospar-ID 1966-020A
- 1958-03-17: Vanguard 1, Cospar-ID 1958-002B
- 1965-03-18: Voskhod 2, Cospar-ID 1965-022A
- 1965-03-21: Ranger 9, Cospar-ID 1965-023A
- 1965-03-23: Gemini 3, Cospar-ID 1965-024A
- 1961-03-24: Mercury Redstone BD, Cospar-ID MERCRBD
- 1961-03-25: Explorer 10, Cospar-ID 1961-010A
- 1961-03-25: Korabl-Sputnik 5, Cospar-ID 1961-009A
- 1958-03-26: Explorer 3, Cospar-ID 1958-003A
- 1964-03-27: Ariel 2, Cospar-ID 1964-015A
- 1969-03-27: Mariner 7, Cospar-ID 1969-030A
- 1972-03-27: Venera 8, Cospar-ID 1972-021A
- 1963-03-28: Saturn SA-4, Cospar-ID SATURNSA4
- 1966-03-31: Luna 10, Cospar-ID 1966-027A
Händelser i Mars
- 2024-03-09: Trekdag i Skarpnäck
- 2024-03-20: Visuell Intelligens: bilder som hjälper oss att upptäcka och förstå
- 2024-03-22: Den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige: nu och i framtiden
- 2024-02-12: Astronomers Discover Jupiter-sized Objects Drawn into Each Others Orbit
- 2024-02-07: Cosmic Dark Matter Web Detected in Coma Cluster
- 2024-02-06: Telescopes Show the Milky Way’s Black Hole is Ready for a Kick
- 2024-02-06: Extreme Eruption on Young Sun-like Star Signals Savage Environment for Developing Exoplanets
- 2024-02-01: Ancient Gas Outflow Suppressed Star Formation
- 2024-01-18: New Details of Supermassive Black Hole’s Shadow Revealed
- 2024-01-09: Unexpectedly Massive Black Holes Dominate Small Galaxies in the Distant Universe
- 2024-01-08: Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
- 2023-12-14: New Red Galaxies Turn Out to be Already Known Blue Galaxies
- 2023-11-29: Distant Stars Spotted for the First Time in the Vast Magellanic Stream
- 2023-11-16: NASAs Hubble Measures the Size of the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet
- 2023-11-15: ALMA Observation of Young Star Reveals Details of Dust Grains
- 2023-11-10: Rapid Increase in Oxygen in Early Universe
- 2023-11-08: A Supermassive Black Hole’s Strong Magnetic Fields are Revealed in a New Light
- 2023-11-03: Black Holes are Messy Eaters
- 2023-10-06: Astronomers Discover First Step Toward Planet Formation
- 2023-09-28: New Proof for Black Hole Spin
- 2023-09-27: Extreme Weight Loss: Star Sheds Unexpected Amounts of Mass Just Before Going Supernova
- 2023-09-15: Supermassive Black Holes Alter Galactic Chemistry
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Februari JVM
2024-02-13 | Leiningen 2.11.2 |
2024-02-08 | Tiny MCE 6.8.3 |
2024-02-08 | Preact js 10.19.4 |
2024-02-02 | Gradle 8.6 |
2024-02-01 | Webpack js 5.90.1 |
2024-01-31 | Babel js 7.23.10 |
2024-01-31 | Grails 6.1.2 |
2024-01-24 | Neo4j 5.16.0 |
2024-01-18 | Spring Boot 3.2.2 |
2024-01-18 | Spring Boot 3.1.8 |
2024-01-18 | Dart Sass 1.70.0 |
2024-01-16 | Java 21.0.2 |
2024-01-16 | Java 17.0.10 |
2024-01-16 | Java 11.0.22 |
2024-01-16 | Java 8 Update 401 |
2024-01-15 | Groovy 4.0.18 |
2024-01-15 | Node JS 21.6.0 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2023-12-19 | Play Framework 3.0.1 |
2023-12-18 | Groovy 3.0.20 |
2023-12-01 | Maven 3.9.6 |
2023-12-01 | Netbeans 20.0 |
2023-11-30 | Font Awesome 6.5.1 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-09-14 | Bootstrap 5.3.2 |
2023-09-07 | Scala 3.3.1 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-07-20 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2022-07-14 | jQuery UI 1.13.2 |
2022-06-14 | React 18.2.0 |
2022-04-05 | Clojure 1.11.1 |
2024 Februari Astronomisk Kalender
Månens faser under Februari
- 2024-02-03: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2024-02-09: Nymåne
- 2024-02-10: Månen närmast jorden (358200 km)
- 2024-02-16: Växande halvmåne
- 2024-02-24: Fullmåne
- 2024-02-25: Månen längst från jorden (406200 km)
- 2024-03-03: Avtagande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under Februari
- 2024-02-01: Månen 1.7° norr om Spica
- 2024-02-05: Månen 0.6° norr om Antares
- 2024-02-07: Månen 5° söder om Venus
- 2024-02-08: Månen 4° söder om Mars
- 2024-02-08: Månen 3° söder om Merkurius
- 2024-02-11: Månen 2° söder om Saturnus
- 2024-02-15: Månen 3° norr om Jupiter
- 2024-02-16: Månen 0.5° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone).
- 2024-02-17: Månen 10° norr om Aldebaran
- 2024-02-21: Månen 1.5° söder om Pollux
- 2024-02-22: Venus 0.5° norr om Mars
- 2024-02-24: Månen 4° norr om Regulus
- 2024-02-28: Merkurius i övre konjunktion med solen
- 2024-02-28: Månen 1.5° norr om Spica
- 2024-02-28: Saturnus i konjunktion med solen
- 2024-03-03: Månen 0.5° norr om Antares
- 2024-03-03: (3) Juno i opposition
Rymdfartshistoria under Februari
- 1958-02-01: Explorer 1, Cospar-ID 1958-001A
- 1960-02-04: Discoverer 9, Cospar-ID DISC9
- 1961-02-04: Tyazhely Sputnik, Cospar-ID 1961-002A
- 1958-02-05: Vanguard TV3 Backup, Cospar-ID VAGT3B
- 1999-02-07: Stardust, Cospar-ID 1999-003A
- 2010-02-11: Solar Dynamics Observatory, Cospar-ID 2010-005A
- 2015-02-11: Deep Space Climate Observatory, Cospar-ID 2015-007A
- 1961-02-12: Venera 1, Cospar-ID 1961-003A
- 1961-02-16: Explorer 9, Cospar-ID 1961-004A
- 1965-02-16: Pegasus 1, Cospar-ID 1965-009A
- 1959-02-17: Vanguard 2, Cospar-ID 1959-001A
- 1965-02-17: Ranger 8, Cospar-ID 1965-010A
- 1996-02-17: NEAR Shoemaker, Cospar-ID 1996-008A
- 1960-02-19: Discoverer 10, Cospar-ID DISC10
- 1962-02-20: Mercury Atlas 6, Cospar-ID 1962-003A
- 2001-02-20: Odin, Cospar-ID 2001-007A
- 1961-02-21: Mercury Atlas 2, Cospar-ID MERCA2
- 2006-02-21: Akari, Cospar-ID 2006-005A
- 1961-02-22: Transit 3B, Cospar-ID 1961-007A
- 1986-02-22: Viking, Cospar-ID 1986-019B
- 1961-02-24: Explorer S45, Cospar-ID EXS-451
- 1969-02-25: Mariner 6, Cospar-ID 1969-014A
- 1966-02-26: AS-201, Cospar-ID APST201
- 2014-02-27: Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory, Cospar-ID 2014-009C
- 1959-02-28: Discoverer 1, Cospar-ID 1959-002A
Händelser i Februari
- 2024-02-10: Trekdag i Skarpnäck
- 2024-01-18: New Details of Supermassive Black Hole’s Shadow Revealed
- 2024-01-09: Unexpectedly Massive Black Holes Dominate Small Galaxies in the Distant Universe
- 2024-01-08: Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
- 2023-12-14: New Red Galaxies Turn Out to be Already Known Blue Galaxies
- 2023-11-29: Distant Stars Spotted for the First Time in the Vast Magellanic Stream
- 2023-11-16: NASAs Hubble Measures the Size of the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet
- 2023-11-15: ALMA Observation of Young Star Reveals Details of Dust Grains
- 2023-11-10: Rapid Increase in Oxygen in Early Universe
- 2023-11-08: A Supermassive Black Hole’s Strong Magnetic Fields are Revealed in a New Light
- 2023-11-03: Black Holes are Messy Eaters
- 2023-10-06: Astronomers Discover First Step Toward Planet Formation
- 2023-09-28: New Proof for Black Hole Spin
- 2023-09-27: Extreme Weight Loss: Star Sheds Unexpected Amounts of Mass Just Before Going Supernova
- 2023-09-15: Supermassive Black Holes Alter Galactic Chemistry
- 2023-08-21: Rewriting the Past and Future of the Universe
- 2023-08-11: VLA Finds Megastorms on Saturn Disrupt Gas Giant’s Deep Atmosphere in Surprising Ways
- 2023-08-04: Gas Streamers Feed Triple Baby Stars
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2024 Januari JVM
2024-01-15 | Node JS 21.6.0 |
2024-01-09 | Grails 5.3.6 |
2024-01-08 | Babel js 7.23.8 |
2024-01-02 | Dart Sass 1.69.7 |
2023-12-21 | Spring Boot 3.2.1 |
2023-12-21 | Spring Boot 3.1.7 |
2023-12-19 | Play Framework 3.0.1 |
2023-12-18 | Groovy 4.0.17 |
2023-12-18 | Groovy 3.0.20 |
2023-12-15 | Neo4j 5.15.0 |
2023-12-12 | Grails 6.1.1 |
2023-12-11 | Tiny MCE 6.8.2 |
2023-12-08 | Preact js 10.19.3 |
2023-12-01 | Maven 3.9.6 |
2023-12-01 | Netbeans 20.0 |
2023-11-30 | Font Awesome 6.5.1 |
2023-11-29 | Gradle 8.5 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 3.0.13 |
2023-11-23 | Spring Boot 2.7.18 |
2023-10-17 | Java 21.0.1 |
2023-10-17 | Java 17.0.9 |
2023-10-17 | Java 11.0.21 |
2023-10-17 | Java 8 Update 391 |
2023-10-13 | Webpack js 5.89.0 |
2023-09-14 | Bootstrap 5.3.2 |
2023-09-07 | Scala 3.3.1 |
2023-08-28 | jQuery 3.7.1 |
2023-07-30 | Thymeleaf 3.1.2 |
2023-07-18 | Java 20.0.2 |
2022-12-09 | Leiningen 2.10.0 |
2022-07-20 | Bootstrap 4.6.2 |
2022-07-14 | jQuery UI 1.13.2 |
2022-06-14 | React 18.2.0 |
2022-04-05 | Clojure 1.11.1 |