Månens faser under Augusti
- 2023-08-01: Fullmåne
- 2023-08-02: Månen närmast jorden (357300 km)
- 2023-08-08: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2023-08-16: Nymåne
- 2023-08-16: Månen längst från jorden (406600 km)
- 2023-08-24: Växande halvmåne
- 2023-08-30: Månen närmast jorden (357200 km)
- 2023-08-31: Fullmåne
- 2023-09-06: Avtagande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under Augusti
- 2023-08-03: Månen 2° söder om Saturnus
- 2023-08-08: Månen 3° norr om Jupiter
- 2023-08-09: Månen 1.5° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2023-08-10: Merkurius i max östlig elongation
- 2023-08-10: Månen 9° norr om Aldebaran
- 2023-08-12: (433) Eros i opposition, magn = 12,0
- 2023-08-13: Merkurius närmast (4.5°) Mars men ingen konjunktion
- 2023-08-13: Perseiderna i maximum. Max 80+ (?) meteorer per timme
- 2023-08-13: Venus i undre konjunktion med solen
- 2023-08-13: Månen 1.5° söder om Pollux
- 2023-08-18: Månen 7° norr om Merkurius
- 2023-08-19: Månen 2° norr om Mars
- 2023-08-21: Månen 3° norr om Spica
- 2023-08-25: Månen 1° norr om Antares
- 2023-08-27: Saturnus i opposition
- 2023-08-27: (8) Flora i opposition, magn = 8,3
- 2023-08-30: Månen 2° söder om Saturnus
Rymdfartshistoria under Augusti
- 1973-08-05: Mars 6, Cospar-ID 1973-052A
- 2011-08-05: Juno, Cospar-ID 2011-040A
- 1961-08-06: Vostok 2, Cospar-ID 1961-019A
- 1959-08-07: Explorer 6, Cospar-ID 1959-004A
- 1978-08-08: Pioneer Venus Multiprobe, Cospar-ID 1978-078A
- 2001-08-08: Genesis, Cospar-ID 2001-034A
- 1973-08-09: Mars 7, Cospar-ID 1973-053A
- 1960-08-10: Discoverer 13, Cospar-ID 1960-008A
- 1962-08-11: Vostok 3, Cospar-ID 1962-036A
- 1960-08-12: Echo 1, Cospar-ID 1960-009A
- 1962-08-12: Vostok 4, Cospar-ID 1962-037A
- 1978-08-12: International Sun-Earth Explorer-3, Cospar-ID 1978-079A
- 1959-08-13: Discoverer 5, Cospar-ID 1959-005A
- 1961-08-16: Explorer 12, Cospar-ID 1961-020A
- 1958-08-17: Pioneer 0, Cospar-ID ABLE1
- 1966-08-17: Pioneer 7, Cospar-ID 1966-075A
- 1970-08-17: Venera 7, Cospar-ID 1970-060A
- 1960-08-18: Courier 1A, Cospar-ID COUR1A
- 1962-08-18: Kosmos 8, Cospar-ID 1962-038A
- 1985-08-18: Suisei, Cospar-ID 1985-073A
- 1959-08-19: Discoverer 6, Cospar-ID 1959-006A
- 1960-08-19: Korabl-Sputnik 2, Cospar-ID 1960-011A
- 1970-08-19: Skynet 1B, Cospar-ID 1970-062A
- 1977-08-20: Voyager 2, Cospar-ID 1977-076A
- 1965-08-21: Gemini 5, Cospar-ID 1965-068A
- 1961-08-23: Ranger 1, Cospar-ID 1961-021A
- 1958-08-24: Explorer 5, Cospar-ID EXPLR5
- 1966-08-24: Luna 11, Cospar-ID 1966-078A
- 1962-08-25: Venera 2MV-1 No.1, Cospar-ID 1962-040A
- 1966-08-25: AS-202, Cospar-ID APST202
- 1997-08-25: Advanced Composition Explorer, Cospar-ID 1997-045A
- 2003-08-25: Spitzer Space Telescope, Cospar-ID 2003-038A
- 1962-08-27: Mariner 2, Cospar-ID 1962-041A
- 2012-08-30: Van Allen Probe A, Cospar-ID 2012-046A
- 2012-08-30: Van Allen Probe B, Cospar-ID 2012-046B
Händelser i Augusti
- 2023-08-12: Perseiderna i maximum
- 2023-08-17 till 08-20: Stjärnträffen Sagittarius på Öland
- 2023-08-22: Paneldiskussion om den högre utbildningens forskningsanknytning
- 2023-07-19: VERA Unveils Surroundings of Rapidly Growing Black Holes
- 2023-07-14: Stellar Cradles and Graves Seen in Farthest Galaxy Ever
- 2023-07-05: Survey of Star Masses in Early Universe Analog
- 2023-06-28: Scientists use Exotic Stars to Tune into Hum from Cosmic Symphony
- 2023-06-27: A Surprise Chemical Find by ALMA May Help Detect and Confirm Protoplanets
- 2023-06-22: Molecular Filament Shielded Young Solar System from Supernova
- 2023-06-06: Signature of Very Massive First Stars Recorded in a Milky Way Star
- 2023-06-01: The Case of the Missing Jupiters: Gas Giant Planets are a No-Show around Small Red Stars
- 2023-05-31: Galactic Recycling Confirmed in Ancient Galaxy
- 2023-05-18: First Observed Radio Waves from a Type Ia Supernova
- 2023-04-28: Superflare Hubble Captures an Elusive Galaxy Cluster
- 2023-04-28: Superflare with Massive, High-Velocity Prominence Eruption
- 2023-04-26: NSF Telescopes Image M87’s Supermassive Black Hole and Massive Jet Together for the First Time
- 2023-04-14: Playing Hide and Seek with Planets
- 2023-04-13: Subaru Telescope Images, Weighs, and Tracks Massive Benchmark Exoplanet
- 2023-04-07: TEMPO Instrument Soars into Space
- 2023-04-04: Far, Far Away: Just How Distant Is That Galaxy?
- 2023-04-03: Using the Dark Matter Distribution to Test Our Cosmological Model
- 2023-03-23: AI Finds that First Stars were Clustered Together
- 2023-03-08: ALMA Traces History of Water in Planet Formation Back to the Interstellar Medium
- 2023-03-02: Resurrected Supernova Provides Missing-Link
- 2023-02-28: Spiral Pattern Gives Clue to how High-Mass Stars Form
- 2023-02-24: Extreme Galaxy Reveals Clues to Early Supermassive Black Hole Formation
- 2023-02-12: 12 New Jovian Moons Discovered
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)