Månens faser under December
- 2021-12-04: Nymåne
- 2021-12-04: Månen närmast jorden (356800 km)
- 2021-12-11: Växande halvmåne
- 2021-12-18: Månen längst från jorden (406300 km)
- 2021-12-19: Fullmåne
- 2021-12-27: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2022-01-02: Nymåne
- 2022-01-02: Månen närmast jorden (358000 km)
Kvällshimlen under December
- 2021-12-01: Månen 6° norr om Spica
- 2021-12-02: Venus lyser klarast
- 2021-12-03: Månen 0.7° norr om Mars
- 2021-12-07: Månen 1.9° söder om Venus
- 2021-12-08: Månen 4° söder om Saturnus
- 2021-12-09: Månen 4° söder om Jupiter
- 2021-12-14: Geminiderna i maximum. Synliga 7-15 december
- 2021-12-16: Månen 4° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2021-12-17: Månen 6° norr om Aldebaran
- 2021-12-21: Månen 3° söder om Pollux
- 2021-12-21: Vintersolstånd
- 2021-12-14: Ursiderna i maximum. Synliga 17-24 december
- 2021-12-24: Månen 5° norr om Regulus
- 2021-12-26: Mars 5° norr om Antares
- 2021-12-28: Månen 6° norr om Spica
- 2021-12-29: Merkurius 4° söder om Venus
- 2021-12-31: Månen 4° norr om Antares
- 2021-12-31: Månen 0.9° söder om Mars
Rymdfartshistoria under December
- 1960-12-01: Korabl-Sputnik 3, Cospar-ID 1960-017A
- 1995-12-02: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Cospar-ID 1995-065A
- 1965-12-03: Luna 8, Cospar-ID 1965-099A
- 2014-12-03: Hayabusa2, Cospar-ID 2014-076A
- 1959-12-04: Little Joe 2, Cospar-ID LILJOE-2
- 1965-12-04: Gemini 7, Cospar-ID 1965-100A
- 1957-12-06: Vanguard TV3, Cospar-ID VAGT3
- 1958-12-06: Pioneer 3, Cospar-ID 1958-008A
- 1972-12-07: Apollo 17, Cospar-ID 1972-096A
- 1998-12-10: Astrid 2, Cospar-ID 1998-072B
- 1999-12-10: XMM-Newton, Cospar-ID 1999-066A
- 1971-12-11: Ariel 4, Cospar-ID 1971-109A
- 1961-12-12: OSCAR 1, Cospar-ID 1961-034B
- 1967-12-13: Pioneer 8, Cospar-ID 1967-123A
- 2009-12-14: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, Cospar-ID 2009-071A
- 1960-12-15: Pioneer P-31, Cospar-ID PIONZ
- 1965-12-15: Gemini 6A, Cospar-ID 1965-104A
- 1984-12-15: Vega 1, Cospar-ID 1984-125A
- 1965-12-16: Pioneer 6, Cospar-ID 1965-105A
- 1960-12-19: Mercury Redstone 1A, Cospar-ID MERCR1A
- 2013-12-19: Gaia, Cospar-ID 2013-074A
- 1968-12-21: Apollo 8, Cospar-ID 1968-118A
- 1984-12-21: Vega 2, Cospar-ID 1984-128A
- 1961-12-22: SAMOS 5, Cospar-ID 1961-035A
Händelser i December
- 2021-12-02: JULFÖRELÄSNING: Michael Faradays 190-åriga tradition – 20 års jubileum!
- 2021-12-06: Presskonferens med Nobel- och Ekonomipristagare
- 2021-12-08: The Nobel Lectures 2021
- 2021-12-11: Peter Singer: Är en bättre värld möjlig?
- 2021-12-14: Geminiderna i maximum
- 2021-12-22: Ursiderna i maximum
- 2021-11-03: ALMA Scientists Detect Signs of Water in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
- 2021-11-02: A Cosmic Whodunit: ALMA Study Confirms What’s Robbing Galaxies of Their Star-Forming Gas
- 2021-10-26: Superstructure Harboring Forming Massive Galaxies Found in Distant Beacons of Light in the Sub-millimeter Sky
- 2021-10-25: Astronomers May Have Discovered the First Planet Outside of Our Galaxy
- 2021-10-14: New Research Links the Compositions of Rocky Exoplanets and those of their Host Stars
- 2021-10-14: The Baseline 9: How Do Exoplanets Form? Mind The Gaps!
- 2021-10-13: Did a Black Hole Eating a Star Generate a Neutrino? Unlikely, New Study Shows
- 2021-09-26: Bare Super-Earths Offer Clues to Evolution of Hot Atmospheres
- 2021-09-23: Unveiling Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn That Were Hiding Behind the Dust
- 2021-09-22: ALMA Scientists Uncover the Mystery of Early Massive Galaxies Running on Empty
- 2021-09-16: Untangling the Formation of Planetary Systems with Deuterium
- 2021-09-15: ALMA Reveals Carbon-Rich, Organic Birth Environments of Planets
- 2021-09-02: Stellar Collision Triggers Supernova Explosion
- 2021-07-29: Scientists Observe Gas Re-accretion in Dying Galaxies for the First Time
- 2021-07-22: New Study Reveals Previously Unseen Star Formation in Milky Way
- 2021-07-19: EHT Pinpoints Dark Heart of the Nearest Radio Galaxy
- 2021-07-06: Small Amount of Lithium Production in Classical Nova
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)