Månens faser under Oktober
- 2019-09-28: Månen närmast jorden (357800 km)
- 2019-09-28: Nymåne
- 2019-10-05: Växande halvmåne
- 2019-10-10: Månen längst från jorden (405900 km)
- 2019-10-13: Fullmåne
- 2019-10-21: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2019-10-26: Månen närmast jorden (361300 km)
- 2019-10-28: Nymåne
- 2019-11-04: Växande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under Oktober
- 2019-10-03: Venus 3° norr om Spica
- 2019-10-03: Månen 8° norr om Antares
- 2019-10-03: Månen 2° norr om Jupiter
- 2019-10-05: Månen 0.5° S om Saturnus.
- 2019-10-09: Drakoniderna i maximum. Synliga 6-11 okt
- 2019-10-17: Månen 8° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2019-10-17: Månen 3° norr om Aldebaran
- 2019-10-21: Månen 6° söder om Pollux
- 2019-10-22: Orioniderna i maximum. Synliga 16-26 okt
- 2019-10-23: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2019-10-26: Månen 5° norr om Mars
- 2019-10-28: Uranus i opposition
- 2019-10-29: Månen 4° norr om Venus
- 2019-10-29: Månen 7° norr om Merkurius
- 2019-10-30: Merkurius 3° söder om Venus
- 2019-10-30: Månen 7° norr om Antares
- 2019-10-31: Månen 1.5° norr om Jupiter
Rymdfartshistoria under Oktober
- 2010-10-01: Change 2, Cospar-ID 2010-050A
- 1962-10-02: Explorer 14, Cospar-ID 1962-051A
- 1962-10-03: Mercury Atlas 8, Cospar-ID 1962-052A
- 1957-10-04: Sputnik 1, Cospar-ID 1957-001B
- 1959-10-04: Luna 3, Cospar-ID 1959-008A
- 1960-10-04: Courier 1B, Cospar-ID 1960-013A
- 1965-10-04: Luna 7, Cospar-ID 1965-077A
- 1990-10-06: Ulysses, Cospar-ID 1990-090B
- 1992-10-06: Freja, Cospar-ID 1992-064A
- 1960-10-10: Mars 1M No.1, Cospar-ID MARSNK1
- 1958-10-11: Pioneer 1, Cospar-ID 1958-007A
- 1960-10-11: Samos 1, Cospar-ID SAMOS1
- 1968-10-11: Apollo 7, Cospar-ID 1968-089A
- 1969-10-11: Soyuz 6, Cospar-ID 1969-085A
- 1964-10-12: Voskhod 1, Cospar-ID 1964-065A
- 1969-10-12: Soyuz 7, Cospar-ID 1969-086A
- 1959-10-13: Explorer 7, Cospar-ID 1959-009A
- 1969-10-13: Soyuz 8, Cospar-ID 1969-087A
- 1960-10-14: Mars 1M No.2, Cospar-ID MARSNK2
- 1974-10-15: Ariel 5, Cospar-ID 1974-077A
- 1997-10-15: Cassini–Huygens, Cospar-ID 1997-061A
- 2002-10-17: INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, Cospar-ID 2002-048A
- 1962-10-18: Ranger 5, Cospar-ID 1962-055A
- 1989-10-18: Galileo, Cospar-ID 1989-084B
- 2008-10-19: Interstellar Boundary Explorer, Cospar-ID 2008-051A
- 1966-10-22: Luna 12, Cospar-ID 1966-094A
- 1977-10-22: International Sun-Earth Explorer 1, Cospar-ID 1977-102A
- 1977-10-22: International Sun-Earth Explorer 2, Cospar-ID 1977-102B
- 1962-10-24: Mars 2MV-4 No.1, Cospar-ID 1962-057A
- 1998-10-24: Deep Space 1, Cospar-ID 1998-061A
- 1968-10-25: Soyuz 2, Cospar-ID 1968-093A
- 1968-10-26: Soyuz 3, Cospar-ID 1968-094A
- 2006-10-26: STEREO A, Cospar-ID 2006-047A
- 1961-10-27: Saturn I SA-1, Cospar-ID SATURNSA1
Aktiviteter i September
- 2019-10-03: Uncovering the hidden structure of liquids
- 2019-10-04 till 10-10: World Space Week 2019
- 2019-10-05: Trekdag i Skarpnäck
- 2019-10-05: Internationella Månobservationskvällen
- 2019-10-07: När AI lär från hjärnan
- 2019-10-08: Offentliggörandet av Nobelpriset i fysik 2019
- 2019-10-09: Offentliggörandet av Nobelpriset i kemi 2019
- 2019-10-24 till 10-26: Astronomdagarna 2019
- 2019-10-25 till 10-27: Destination Star Trek
- 2019-10-26: Nordenmarkföreläsning: En rymdforskares vardag
- 2019-09-26: Enigmatic radio burst illuminates a galaxys tranquil halo
- 2019-09-26: Oldest Galaxy Protocluster forms ’Queen’s Court’
- 2019-09-25: From Cells To Galaxies And Beyond
- 2019-09-16: Most Massive Neutron Star Ever Detected, Almost too Massive to Exist
- 2019-09-11: Hubble Finds Water Vapour on Habitable-Zone Exoplanet for the First Time
- 2019-08-23: Storms on Jupiter Seen by Multi-Wavelength Observations
- 2019-08-19: A Rare Look at the Surface of a Rocky Exoplanet
- 2019-08-15: Scientists Observe the Explosion of a Monster Star Requiring New Supernova Mechanism
- 2019-08-07: ALMA Dives into Black Hole’s Sphere of Influence
- 2019-07-26: Imaging a Young Planet-Forming Disk
- 2019-07-25: Einsteins General Relativity Theory Is Questioned But Still Stands ’For Now’
- 2019-07-22: Determining the Mass of the White Dwarf in KOI-3278 Using Two Different but Complimentary Techniques
- 2019-07-11: Moon-forming Circumplanetary Disk Discovered in Distant Star System
- 2019-07-11: Hubble Discovers Mysterious Black Hole Disc
- 2019-07-08: New Method May Resolve Difficulty in Measuring Universes Expansion
- 2019-07-01: Hubble Captures Cosmic Fireworks in Ultraviolet
- 2019-06-21: Subaru Telescope Identifies the Outermost Edge of our Milky Way System
- 2019-06-20: Planetary Rings of Uranus Glow in Cold Light
- 2019-06-13: Hubble Observes Tiny Galaxy with Big Heart
- 2019-06-05: Cool, Nebulous Ring around Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)