Månens faser under Februari
- 2019-01-27: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2019-02-04: Nymåne
- 2019-02-05: Månen längst från jorden (406700 km)
- 2019-02-12: Växande halvmåne
- 2019-02-19: Fullmåne
- 2019-02-19: Månen närmast jorden (356700 km)
- 2019-02-26: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2019-03-04: Månen längst från jorden (406400 km)
- 2019-03-06: Nymåne
Kvällshimlen under Februari
- 2019-02-02: Månen 0.5° norr om Saturnus
- 2019-02-10: Månen 6° söder om Mars
- 2019-02-13: Månen 9° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2019-02-13: Mars 1° norr om Uranus
- 2019-02-14: Månen 1.5° norr om Aldebaran
- 2019-02-17: Månen 7° söder om Pollux
- 2019-02-18: Venus 1° norr om Saturnus
- 2019-02-19: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2019-02-23: Månen 8° norr om Spica
- 2019-02-26: Månen 8° norr om Antares
- 2019-02-27: Månen 2° norr om Jupiter
Rymdfartshistoria under Februari
- 1958-02-01: Explorer 1, Cospar-ID 1958-001A
- 1960-02-04: Discoverer 9, Cospar-ID DISC9
- 1961-02-04: Tyazhely Sputnik, Cospar-ID 1961-002A
- 1958-02-05: Vanguard TV3 Backup, Cospar-ID VAGT3B
- 1999-02-07: Stardust, Cospar-ID 1999-003A
- 2010-02-11: Solar Dynamics Observatory, Cospar-ID 2010-005A
- 2015-02-11: Deep Space Climate Observatory, Cospar-ID 2015-007A
- 1961-02-12: Venera 1, Cospar-ID 1961-003A
- 1961-02-16: Explorer 9, Cospar-ID 1961-004A
- 1965-02-16: Pegasus 1, Cospar-ID 1965-009A
- 1959-02-17: Vanguard 2, Cospar-ID 1959-001A
- 1965-02-17: Ranger 8, Cospar-ID 1965-010A
- 1996-02-17: NEAR Shoemaker, Cospar-ID 1996-008A
- 1960-02-19: Discoverer 10, Cospar-ID DISC10
- 1962-02-20: Mercury Atlas 6, Cospar-ID 1962-003A
- 2001-02-20: Odin, Cospar-ID 2001-007A
- 1961-02-21: Mercury Atlas 2, Cospar-ID MERCA2
- 2006-02-21: Akari, Cospar-ID 2006-005A
- 1961-02-22: Transit 3B, Cospar-ID 1961-007A
- 1986-02-22: Viking, Cospar-ID 1986-019B
- 1961-02-24: Explorer S45, Cospar-ID EXS-451
- 1969-02-25: Mariner 6, Cospar-ID 1969-014A
- 1966-02-26: AS-201, Cospar-ID APST201
- 2014-02-27: Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory, Cospar-ID 2014-009C
- 1959-02-28: Discoverer 1, Cospar-ID 1959-002A
Aktiviteter under Februari
- 2019-02-07: Pi-samtal: Mångkultur och medborgerlig identitet
- 2019-02-07: Hade Einstein fel?
- 2019-02-08: European Astrofest
- 2019-02-19: Pi-samtal: Aristoteles
- 2019-02-20: Det ogrundade tvivlet. Vetenskapsmotstånd i post-sanningens tid
- 2019-02-21: The Expansion of Low Oxygen Zones in the Global Ocean and Coastal Waters
Några launches nyligen
Launch | Namn | Cospar-ID |
2018-12-03 | Soyuz MS 11 | 2018-098A |
2018-12-03 | EXCITE | 2018-099A |
2018-12-03 | ICEYE-X2 | 2018-099D |
2018-12-03 | STPSAT 5 | 2018-099E |
2018-12-03 | HAWK-A | 2018-099H |
2018-12-03 | CORVUS BC4 | 2018-099K |
2018-12-03 | MOVE II | 2018-099Y |
2018-12-03 | Global 2 | GLOBAL 2 |
2018-12-03 | HAWK-B | HAWK-B |
2018-12-03 | HAWK-C | HAWK-C |
2018-12-03 | KAZSTSAT | KAZSTSAT |
2018-12-03 | NEXTSAT-1 | NEXTSAT-1 |
2018-12-03 | PW-SAT2 | PW-SAT2 |
2018-12-03 | SKYSATC12 | SKYSAT C1 |
2018-12-03 | SKYSAT C13 | SKYSATC13 |
2018-12-03 | Flock 3S 1 | 2018-099M |
2018-12-03 | Flock 3S 2 | FLOCK3S2 |
2018-12-03 | Flock 3S 3 | FLOCK3S3 |
2018-12-04 | GEOKompsat 2A | 2018-100A |
2018-12-04 | GSAT 11 | 2018-100B |
2018-12-05 | SpaceX CRS-16 | 2018-101A |
2018-12-19 | GSAT 7A | 2018-105A |
2018-12-19 | CSO 1 | 2018-106A |
2018-12-23 | Navstar 77 | 2018-109A |
2018-12-24 | TJS 3 | 2018-110A |
2018-12-27 | Kanopus-V5 | 2018-111A |
2018-12-27 | Kanopus-V6 | 2018-111B |
2018-12-27 | ISAT | 2018-111D |
2018-12-27 | D-STAR ONE SPARROW | 2018-111F |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 ChristinaHolt | 2018-111G |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 Tinykev | 2018-111H |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 Remy-Colton | 2018-111J |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 Gustavo | 2018-111K |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 Zo | 2018-111L |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 NatalieMurray | 2018-111M |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 SarahBettyBoo | 2018-111N |
2018-12-27 | Lemur 2 Daisy-Harper | 2018-111P |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 3 | 2018-111S |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 4 | 2018-111T |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 1 | 2018-111U |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 2 | 2018-111V |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 6 | 2018-111W |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 5 | 2018-111Z |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 10 | FLOCK3K10 |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 11 | FLOCK3K11 |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 12 | FLOCK3K12 |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 7 | FLOCK3K7 |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 8 | FLOCK3K8 |
2018-12-27 | Flock 3K 9 | FLOCK3K9 |
2019-01-10 | ChinaSat 2D | 2019-001A |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 180 | 2019-002A |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 176 | 2019-002B |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 168 | 2019-002C |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 173 | 2019-002D |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 169 | 2019-002E |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 172 | 2019-002F |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 175 | 2019-002G |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 171 | 2019-002H |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 170 | 2019-002J |
2019-01-11 | Iridium 167 | 2019-002K |
2019-01-30 | Chandrayaan 2 | CHANDRYN2 |
Launch | Namn | Cospar-ID |
- 2019-01-25: A Primordial Star Forming Galaxy
- 2019-01-10: Astronomers Study Mysterious New Type of Cosmic Blast
- 2019-01-09: Hubble sees the brightest quasar in the early Universe
- 2019-01-01: Early Protostar Already has a Warped Disk
- 2018-12-21: Intermediate Mass Black Holes Discovered in Galactic Nuclei
- 2018-12-20: ALMA Gives Passing Comet Its Close-up
- 2018-12-20: Faint starlight in Hubble images reveals distribution of dark matter
- 2018-12-20: Seeds of Giant Galaxies formed in the Early Universe
- 2018-12-18: Mystery of coronae around supermassive black holes deepens
- 2018-12-17: Subaru Telescope Discovered the Most-Distant Solar System Object ever Observed
- 2018-12-17: The Most-Distant Solar System Object ever Observed
- 2018-12-14: Fragmenting Disk Gives Birth to Binary Star ’Odd Couple’
- 2018-12-12: Dancing with the Enemy
- 2018-11-19: Cosmic Serpent
- 2018-11-15: Trans-galactic Streamers Feeding Most Luminous Galaxy in the Universe
- 2018-11-14: Super-Earth Orbiting Barnards Star
- 2018-11-13: Once-In-A-Lifetime Observations by Veritas Astronomers Reveal High Energy Gamma-Rays from a Binary Star System
- 2018-11-07: Comet 17P/Holmes which exhibited a Great Outburst in October 2007 was Born in a Region of the Solar Nebula Far from the Sun
- 2018-10-25: The ghost of Cassiopeia
- 2018-10-22: Gravitational waves could soon provide measure of universe’s expansion
- 2018-10-20: BepiColombo
- 2018-10-19: Oumuamua
- 2018-10-17: Measuring the Age of the Universe
- 2018-10-17: Largest Galaxy Proto Supercluster Found
- 2018-10-16: Exciting Chirping Whistler Waves
- 2018-10-12: Little Supernova is Big Discovery: the Origin of Binary Neutron Stars
- 2018-10-10: Pulsar in a Box Reveals Surprising Picture of a Neutron Stars Surroundings
- 2018-10-08: When Is a Nova Not a ‘Nova’? When a White Dwarf and a Brown Dwarf Collide
- 2018-10-03: Subaru Telescope Discovers a New Extremely Distant Solar System Object During Hunt for Planet X
- 2018-10-03: Hubble finds compelling evidence for a moon outside the Solar System
- 2018-09-26: VLA Discovers Powerful Jet Coming from Wrong Kind of Star
- 2018-09-19: Looking Back in Time to Watch for a Different Kind of Black Hole
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)