Månens faser under Januari
- 2017-12-26: Växande halvmåne
- 2018-01-01: Månen närmast jorden (356600 km)
- 2018-01-02: Fullmåne
- 2018-01-08: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2018-01-15: Månen längst från jorden (406500 km)
- 2018-01-17: Nymåne
- 2018-01-24: Växande halvmåne
- 2018-01-30: Månen närmast jorden (359000 km)
- 2018-01-31: Fullmåne
- 2018-02-07: Avtagande halvmåne
Kvällshimlen under Januari
- 2018-01-03: Månen 9° S om Pollux
- 2018-01-03: Solen närmast, 0.98 astronomiska enheter
- 2018-01-04: Kvadrantiderna i maximum
- 2018-01-05: Månen 1° norr om Regulus.
- 2018-01-07: Mars 0.5° söder om Jupiter
- 2018-01-09: Månen 7° norr om Spica
- 2018-01-11: Månen 4° norr om Jupiter
- 2018-01-11: Månen 5° norr om Mars
- 2018-01-12: Månen 0.5° söder om Vesta.
- 2018-01-13: Månen 9° norr om Antares
- 2018-01-13: Merkurius 0.5° söder om Saturnus
- 2018-01-15: Månen 3° norr om Saturnus
- 2018-01-15: Månen 3° norr om Merkurius
- 2018-01-26: Månen 9° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2018-01-27: Månen 0,7° norr om Aldebaran.
- 2018-01-30: Månen 9° söder om Pollux
Rymdfartshistoria under Januari
Aktiviteter under Januari
- 2017-12-22: The Toothbrush Cluster
- 2017-12-20: Giant Bubbles on Red Giant Star’s Surface
- 2017-12-20: Cosmic Filament Probes Our Galaxy’s Giant Black Hole
- 2017-12-20: Radio Observations Point to Likely Explanation for Neutron-Star Merger Phenomena
- 2017-12-19: A New Twist in the Dark Matter Tale
- 2017-12-14: Dawn of a galactic collision
- 2017-12-13: Stellar Nursery Blooms into View
- 2017-12-06: Massive Primordial Galaxies Found Swimming in Vast Ocean of Dark Matter
- 2017-11-28: ALMA Discovers Infant Stars Surprisingly Near Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole
- 2017-11-21: NASA Telescope Studies Quirky Comet 45P
- 2017-11-21: Uncovering the origins of galaxies halos
- 2017-11-20: ESO Observations Show First Interstellar Asteroid is Like Nothing Seen Before
- 2017-11-16: Lava or Not, Exoplanet 55 Cancri e Likely to have Atmosphere
- 2017-11-15: Closest Temperate World Orbiting Quiet Star Discovered
- 2017-11-13: Duo of Titanic Galaxies Captured in Extreme Starbursting Merger
- 2017-11-10: Jupiter’s Surprising Southern Aurora
- 2017-11-10: Winds blowing off a dying star
- 2017-11-03: ALMA Discovers Cold Dust Around Nearest Star
- 2017-10-30: Minor Merger Kicks Supermassive Black Hole into High Gear
- 2017-10-26: Small Asteroid or Comet Visits from Beyond the Solar System
- 2017-10-16: Optical/Infrared Telescopes Follow Gravitational Waves to Treasure
- 2017-10-16: Hubble observes source of gravitational waves for the first time
- 2017-10-16: Radio Eyes Unlocking Secrets of Neutron-Star Collision
- 2017-10-02: Astronomers Discover Traces of Methyl Chloride around Infant Stars and Nearby Comet
- 2017-09-29: New Insights on Dark Energy
- 2017-09-28: First Detection of an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Candidate in the Milky Way
- 2017-09-28: Supersonic gas streams left over from the Big Bang drive massive black hole formation
- 2017-09-27: LIGO and Virgo observatories jointly detect black hole collision
2011-12-10:011 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)
2014-11-25:013 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)