Månens faser under Juli
- 2019-06-25: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2019-07-02: Nymåne
- 2019-07-05: Månen närmast jorden (363700 km)
- 2019-07-09: Växande halvmåne
- 2019-07-16: Fullmåne
- 2019-07-21: Månen längst från jorden (405500 km)
- 2019-07-25: Avtagande halvmåne
- 2019-08-01: Nymåne
Kvällshimlen under Juli
- 2019-07-04: Månen 0.1° norr om Mars.
- 2019-07-04: Månen 3° norr om Merkurius
- 2019-07-06: Månen 3° norr om Regulus
- 2019-07-07: Merkurius 4° söder om Mars
- 2019-07-09: Månen 8° norr om Spica
- 2019-07-13: Månen 8° norr om Antares
- 2019-07-13: Månen 2° norr om Jupiter
- 2019-07-16: Partiell Månförmörkelse
- 2019-07-16: Månen 0.2° söder om Saturnus.
- 2019-07-27: Månen 8° söder om Pleiaderna (Alcyone)
- 2019-07-28: Månen 2° norr om Aldebaran
- 2019-07-31: Månen 5° norr om Merkurius
Rymdfartshistoria under Juli
- 1985-07-02: Giotto, Cospar-ID 1985-056A
- 2002-07-03: CONTOUR, Cospar-ID 2002-034A
- 1966-07-05: AS-203, Cospar-ID 1966-059A
- 1966-07-06: Proton 3, Cospar-ID 1966-060A
- 1961-07-12: TIROS 3, Cospar-ID 1961-017A
- 1959-07-16: Explorer 7X, Cospar-ID EXP-7X
- 1965-07-16: Proton 1, Cospar-ID 1965-054A
- 1969-07-16: Apollo 11, Cospar-ID 1969-059A
- 1966-07-18: Gemini 10, Cospar-ID 1966-066A
- 1961-07-21: Mercury Redstone 4, Cospar-ID MERCR4
- 1973-07-21: Mars 4, Cospar-ID 1973-047A
- 1962-07-22: Mariner 1, Cospar-ID MARIN1
- 1999-07-23: Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cospar-ID 1999-040B
- 1973-07-25: Mars 5, Cospar-ID 1973-049A
- 1958-07-26: Explorer 4, Cospar-ID 1958-005A
- 1971-07-26: Apollo 15, Cospar-ID 1971-063A
- 1962-07-28: Kosmos 7, Cospar-ID 1962-033A
- 1964-07-28: Ranger 7, Cospar-ID 1964-041A
- 1960-07-29: Mercury Atlas 1, Cospar-ID MERCA1
- 1965-07-30: Pegasus 3, Cospar-ID 1965-060A
- 2019-06-21: Subaru Telescope Identifies the Outermost Edge of our Milky Way System
- 2019-06-20: Planetary Rings of Uranus Glow in Cold Light
- 2019-06-13: Hubble Observes Tiny Galaxy with Big Heart
- 2019-06-05: Cool, Nebulous Ring around Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole
- 2019-05-23: A Unique Experiment To Explore Black Holes
- 2019-05-20: Star Formation in Young Galaxies Not Affected by Environment
- 2019-05-17: A Massive Collision in the Milky Way’s Past
- 2019-05-16: ALMA Discovers Aluminum around Young Star
- 2019-04-29: Star with Strange Chemistry is from Out of Town
- 2019-04-29: Black Hole’s Tug on Space Pulls Fast-Moving Jets in Rapid Wobble
- 2019-04-17: The Universe’s First Type of Molecule Is Found at Last
- 2019-04-10: Radio Astronomy and Black Holes
- 2019-04-09: Jupiters Atmosphere Heats Up Under Solar Wind
- 2019-03-22: What Ionized the Universe?
- 2019-03-20: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Star Formation and the Rich Dust from Ancient Stars
- 2019-03-19: Astronomers Find ’Cannonball Pulsar’ Speeding Through Space
- 2019-03-13: Astronomers Discover 83 Supermassive Black Holes in the Early Universe
- 2019-02-20: SOFIA Uncovers Clues to the Evolution of Universe and Search for Life
- 2019-02-19: Citizen Scientist Finds Ancient White Dwarf Star Encircled by Puzzling Rings
2019-01-21 Blodmåne (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2014-11-25 Skymning över Brunnsviken (Foto: Magnus Norden)

2011-12-10 Månförmörkelse (Foto: Magnus Norden)